May 20th – 22nd 2025 | River Rock Casino & Resort, Richmond BC

NABOC | Vancouver 2025



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($1,295 + 5% GST - includes Banquet Dinner)
Min: 1
Step: 1
($1,395 + 5% GST - includes Banquet Dinner)
Min: 1
Step: 1
($2,495 + 5% GST - includes 1 delegate pass for the conference and 1 banquet dinner ticket – additional staff working the booth in the Tradeshow area only are free, but do not get entrance to the NABOC event)
Min: 1
Step: 1
($200 + 5% GST - allows 1 person entrance to the tradeshow, but does not include attending the NABOC Conference)
Min: 1
Step: 1
Min: 1
Step: 1


The schedule for the conference gives delegates free afternoons on September 10th, 11th and 12th to either network in the conference centre or take part in some of our additional activities. Please note the dates on each activity as you can’t participate in more than one per afternoon.

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Wine Tour – Sept 11th NABOC ’24
Wine Tours are available in the afternoons on September 11th and 12th, our tour guides will take you to four local wineries to sample the best the Okanagan has to offer! ($110 + 5% GST)
Min: 1
Step: 1
Wine Tour – Sept 12th NABOC ’24
Wine Tours are available in the afternoons on September 11th and 12th, our tour guides will take you to four local wineries to sample the best the Okanagan has to offer! ($110 + 5% GST)
Min: 1
Step: 1
Go Kart Racing – Sept 12th NABOC ’24
We have arranged Go Kart Racing in the afternoons on September 11th and 12th at the AREA 27 racetrack with prizes to be won for the those who make it onto the winners podium! ($125 + 5% GST)
Min: 1
Step: 1
Guided Trail Ride – Sept 11th NABOC ’24
If you’d like to visit the NK’MIP Desert but would rather skip the hiking, then join our Guided Trail Ride on the afternoon of September 11th and enjoy the scenery on horseback. ($100 + 5% GST)
Min: 1
Step: 1
Guided Hike – Sept 11th NABOC ’24

Join local Osoyoos Indian Band guides on the afternoon of September 11th for an interpretive Guided Hike through the NK’MIP Desert. Learn about medicinal plants that are important to the Syilx (Okanagan people). ($80 + 5% GST)

Min: 1
Step: 1
Charity Golf Tournament – Sept 11th NABOC ’24
Our Charity Golf Tournament will take place on the afternoon of September 11th, the format will be a Texas Scramble and there’s lots of prizes to be won! All proceeds go to the NK’MIP Desert Cultural Centre. ($125 + 5% GST)
Min: 1
Step: 1
Paintball – Sept 11th NABOC ’24
Join us for a Paintball War from 1:30pm-3:30pm on either September 11th or 12th, we’ll form teams at the venue and see who conquers! ($85 + 5% GST)
Min: 1
Step: 1
Area 27 Racetrack Experience – Sept 11th NABOC ’24
We have arranged for delegates to do some laps with an instructor who’ll take you up to 250 KMS!! on the afternoon of September 11th ($225 + 5% GST)
Min: 1
Step: 1

REFUND POLICY | Effective Date: January 1st, 2020
Refunds on cancellations received more than 60 days from an event date will be subject to a $200 administration fee per delegate. There will be no refunds on cancellations made within 60 days of an event date however name changes will be allowed up until 7 days before an event date.